Accepted Papers

The following 20 papers have been accepted for presentation at the workshop (5 orals, 15 posters).

All papers will be presented as posters in a virtual session organized via Check here for a guide to our posters.

  1. DELUCA: Differentiable Control Library: Environments, Methods, and Benchmarking. Paula Gradu, John Hallman, Daniel C Suo, Alex Yu, Naman Agarwal, Udaya Ghai, Karan Singh, Cyril Zhang, Anirudha Majumdar, Elad Hazan. [Oral] [PDF] [Reviews]
  2. Inverse articulated-body dynamics from video via variational sequential Monte Carlo. Dan Biderman, Christian A Naesseth, Luhuan Wu, Taiga Abe, Alice C. Mosberger, Leslie J. Sibener, Rui M. Costa, James Murray, John Cunningham [Oral] [PDF] [Supplementary (PDF)] [Reviews]
  3. phiflow: A Differentiable PDE Solving Framework for Deep Learning via Physical Simulations. Philipp M Holl, Kiwon Um, Nils Thuerey. [Oral] [PDF] [Reviews]
  4. End-to-End Differentiable Learning to HDR Image Synthesis for Multi-exposure Images. Junghee Kim, Siyeong Lee, Suk-Ju Kang. [Oral] [PDF] [Supplementary (PDF)] [Reviews]
  5. Blendshape-augmented Facial Action Units Detection. Zijun Cui, Qiang Ji. [Oral] [PDF] [Reviews]
  6. End-to-End Differentiable 6DoF Object Pose Estimation with Local and Global Constraints. Anshul Gupta, Joydeep Medhi, Aratrik Chattopadhyay, Vikram Gupta. [PDF] [Reviews]
  7. Towards end-to-end training of proposal-based 3D human pose estimation. Daniel Abidemi Ajisafe, Helge Rhodin. [PDF] [Reviews]
  8. Differentiable Data Augmentation With Kornia. Jian Shi, Edgar Riba, Dmytro Mishkin, Francesc Moreno, Anguelos Nicolaou. [PDF] [Reviews]
  9. MSR-Net: Multi-Scale Relighting Network for One-to-One Relighting. Sourya Dipta Das, Nisarg A Shah, Saikat Dutta. [PDF] [Reviews]
  10. Semantic Adversarial Robustness with Differentiable Ray-Tracing. Rahul M V, Eric Wong, Zico Kolter. [PDF] [Reviews]
  11. Inverse Graphics GAN. Sebastian Lunz, Li Yingzhen, Andrew W Fitzgibbon, Nate Kushman,. [PDF] [Supplementary (PDF)] [Reviews]
  12. Solving Physics Puzzles by Reasoning about Paths. Augustin Harter Andrew Melnik Gaurav Kumar, Dhruv Agarwal, Animesh Garg, Helge Ritter. [PDF] [Reviews]
  13. Differentiable Path Tracing by Regularizing Discontinuities. Peter Quinn, Jérôme Parent-Lévesque, A. Cengiz Oztireli, Derek Nowrouzezahrai. [PDF] [Reviews]
  14. Spring-Rod System Identification via Differentiable Physics Engine. Kun Wang, Mridul Aanjaneya, Kostas Bekris. [PDF] [Reviews]
  15. System Level Differentiable Simulation of Radio Access Networks. Dmitry Rivkin. [PDF [Reviews]]
  16. Using Differentiable Physics for Self-Supervised Assimilation of Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Michael McCabe, Jed Brown. [PDF] [Supplementary (PDF)] [Reviews]
  17. Sparse-Input Neural Network Augmentations for Differentiable Simulators. Eric Heiden, David R Millard, Erwin Coumans, Gaurav Sukhatme. [PDF] [Reviews]
  18. Tractable loss function and color image generation of multinary restricted Boltzmann machine. Juno Hwang, Wonseok Hwang, Junghyo Jo. [PDF] [Reviews]
  19. Learned Equivariant Rendering without Transformation Supervision. Philipp M Holl, Kiwon Um, Nils Thuerey. [PDF] [Reviews]
  20. Instance-wise Depth and Motion Learning from Monocular Videos. Seokju Lee, Sunghoon Im, Stephen Lin, In So Kweon. [PDF] [Reviews]